Coopérathon 2017 proposal : Digital badges to become a multiplanetary species

This year, I propose an entrepreneurial project for the Coopétathon 2017 organized by Desjardins.

Here is my vision for the moment to recruit a talented team.

Digital badges to become a multiplanetary species.

The context

Elon Musk will go to Mars very soon.

The race is well underway and SpaceX breaks the price.

(start time at 21:00)

Two scenarios as soon as man sets foot on Mars before 2025: 1) we discover that it is possible to terraform the planet to live in colonies and the adventure starts, 2) we realize that our little blue planet is fragile and that we must unite our forces as humanity to take care of our mother planet. That we must transform ourselves so that the climate is harmonious and that all can contribute and play a role in the adventure.

The Problem

We are not at all prepared for both scenarios. Going into space is very demanding, adapting to even more climate changes. Challenges are multiple, such as the robotization of work, the scarcity of resources, the concentration of wealth, social inequalities, and they are a brake on the innovation of mankind.

« There is no guarantee that humanity will transcend this new frontier of being a multiplanetary species » Elon Musk

The world of education and our linear structures and silos of learning do not allow us to adequately develop skills and skills to accomplish the titanic tasks before us. In fact, we do not know what people know how to do or want to do, much less what will need to be done in the future.

The challenge

Since the speed of technological innovation, practices and social relations is evident, it is necessary to build learning ecosystems that allow the actors (academic, labour and social) to be interconnected in order to develop coherent learning paths.

To do this, we must radically innovate in the way we think about the skills, roles and modes of governance between the actors (public, private, citizen). Also, we have the opportunity to be connected between us via the Internet like never before, work together.

The solution

Digital badge technology must be used to capture, digitize, validate and communicate all skills and experiences. They must be developed according to the Open Badges standard so that the metadata is open and linked (LOD). Digital badge systems are used to manage, map and connect learning to the world of work.

For more than 2 years, I work as an entrepreneur and researcher in the universe of digital badges. Here is a short presentation video of the digital badges (French):

To see more examples of uses of digital badges: (French)

Innovation at the Cooperathon

To accelerate innovation and adoption of digital badges, we must develop solutions in artificial intelligence to automate interorganization and intercontext learning pathways, for the detection of key players in industrial sectors, to support active pedagogy and personalize learning.

The Open Pathways standard is being developed via the Badgr project and addresses this major challenge of interconnecting learning paths and roles (jobs). Here is a video of Wayne Skipper, CEO of ConcentricSky, who explains the uses of this new standard.

Thus, during this Cooperathon 2017, I would like to create a prototype application with artificial intelligence to test the discovery of profiles with various sources (social media, databases), propose personas and, on the other hand, to identify the most relevant actors in the industrial sector to implant the digital badges and accompany them in their interconnection.


Welcome to the adventure of the Phenix team on the Agorize platform.

Artificial intelligence solutions to automate learning pathways, certify skills and recognize experiences, and interconnect ecosystem actors to become a multiplanetary species.

We are looking for enthusiasts, experts and programmers in the platform and artificial intelligence, human resource management and educational innovation.

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