FabCity Skills Development and Pathway Learning with Digital Badges au Fab City Paris 20187

J’ai présenté la conférence FabCity Skills Development and Pathway Learning with Digital Badges lors du Fab City Summit Paris 2018.


Digital badges can be used to evaluate, communicate and structure skills and learning. Concretely, at the technical level, a digital badge is a single web page that contains all the information (metadata) concerning the development of a skill or an achievement. There is the standard « Open Badges » that can carry a badge from one platform to another. To prototype solutions, we need to digitize skills development and recognition with digital badges in the circular economy and Fabcity movement. This technological usage can also synchronize learning pathways across organizations in new workforce needs and challenge new collars skills development.

Pour en apprendre plus sur les badges numériques et sur mon projet de recherche doctoral sur le sujet.

Pour suivre les discussions #FabCitySummit.

Une réflexion sur « FabCity Skills Development and Pathway Learning with Digital Badges au Fab City Paris 20187 »

  1. Hey there!
    I attended your digital badge workshop in Fab14. Is it possible you send me the slides?

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