La semaine dernière avait lieu The World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation (Montreal MCPM 2015) géré cette année par l’École des sciences de la gestion de l’UQAM (ESG UQAM).
Voici la description : MCPC has, since 2001, been the definitive conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation. It engages academics, business leaders and consultants in a combination of plenary presentations, discussion panels, and paper presentations devoted to sharing and discussing the latest developments in the field.
MCPC has a strong focus on real life applications and how to manage complexity with, since its inception, an equal share of participants coming from practice and academia. This approach makes MCPC truly unique in its quest to connect MCPC thought leaders, entrepreneurs, technology developers, and researchers with people applying these strategies in practice. This year’s anchor conferences feature Ubisoft, Merchlar, Bombardier, and Cirque du Soleil.
More than 200 academics/researchers, entrepreneurs and experts will meet in Montreal on October 20th to 22nd and report on their latest results on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-creation. Through numerous workshops and discussions, participants will exchange on a variety of topics such as « Managing complexity in MC », « Co-creation and open innovation », « Manufacturing systems, 3D Printing », etc.
J’ai présenté une conférence/atelier sur ce que sont les Fab Labs et comment en être un reconnu par le MIT.
Plusieurs autres conférences intéressantes, dont celle du Cirque du Soleil sur le C:LAB avec Valérie Lamontagne.

Un des projets présentés était SPARKED: A Live Interaction Between Humans and Quadcopters avec des drones.
Et aussi celle de Christophe Billebaud de UMVELT ( How to implement living lab and research concept) qui a présenté la méthodologie Living Lab pour soutenir des projets d’innovation ouverte.

Archive de la conversation : #MCPC2015 et le programme complet.